记住博士. 约翰·聪聪

Dr. 约翰·默里,唐纳利的第五任总统

唐纳利公司的第五任总裁. 约翰·默里于2023年4月20日去世,享年89岁. 他受到教职员工和学生们的尊敬和爱戴. Dr. 聪聪 received his undergraduate degree from Rockhurst University and his master’s and doctorate from 堪萨斯 State University. 他和结婚66年的爱妻玛丽·玛格丽特有四个孩子, 11个孙子, 六个曾孙, 一个曾曾孙和许多侄子侄女.

Dr. 默里在高等教育领域工作了40多年, including 19 years in various positions at 堪萨斯 State University and four years as president of Marymount College in Salina, 堪萨斯. He served as Donnelly’s president for 11 years (1987–1998) after being recruited by his predecessor Father Ray Davern to become Donnelly’s first lay president. 从唐纳利退休后. 默里曾担任堪萨斯州艾奇逊市本尼迪克特学院的临时校长. 像唐纳利的大多数学生一样. 默里必须工作供自己读完大学. 在1997年《LPL外围网址》报纸上的一篇文章中,他说:“学生是我们的主要客户. 我们需要... 尊重和理解他们. 如果他们不在这里,我们都可以离开——我们没有必要了.”

Dr. 默里还致力于确保学院的未来并建立其捐赠基金. 他领导了一场资本运动,目标是为学院成立50周年. 玛丽·斯潘格勒说, 前发展总监, “一些大学校长在筹款方面遇到了困难, 但不是博士。. 聪聪. 他的真实和对人类的真诚的爱导致了强烈的, 战略性和有影响力的慈善关系,今天继续使学生受益. 他是开发总监的梦想!”

唐纳利公司长期服务的商业事务主管斯蒂芬·戈切利克(Stephen Goceljak)记得. 聪聪 worked hard to connect the College with businesses and organizations in the surrounding community. “Dr. 默里领导学院度过了最艰难的时期, 但他从未放弃它生存的重要性. His vision for the future of Donnelly was an inspiration to me in the quest to see Donnelly succeed.”艺术家迈克尔·图姆斯创作的lpl下注壁画

在他的任期内,博士. 聪聪 recruited artist Michael Toombs to oversee the creation of a mural reflecting the cultural diversity of the Donnelly community. The mural featured more than 275 designs painted by more than 1,000 college and community volunteers.

作为唐纳利的领导. 默里确保社区里的每个人都知道学院的故事和它的使命,他说. 多年来,Dr. 默里担任过许多社区组织的董事会主席或委员. He felt particularly honored to have been elected as chair of the National Advisory Council to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. In 2018, Rockhurst University honored him with their Xavier Medal of Honor alumni award for societal contributions. One of his many notable contributions included spearheading his family’s efforts that enrolled over 40,000人加入了国家骨髓捐献登记, 至今已有160例挽救生命的移植手术.

正如他的讣告所写的那样,. 聪聪 will be remembered for his love of people and endearing sense of humor that made everyone feel respected, 听到和爱.一位前同事描述道. 默里“非常聪明,但只是一个普通人”. 他过去和他爸爸一起砌砖. 他可以去拜访美国总统,并融入其中, 或者他可以坐在挖沟机旁边吃个腊肠三明治,然后融入社会.”

Dr. 默里从未停止为唐纳利辩护. His obituary included this final “Note from Dad: If you can’t come to the funeral don’t worry about it, 反正我也希望能和上帝对话. 不要送花. 把钱寄给lpl下注或艾奇逊的本笃会修女会, 他创立了唐纳利, 是一个很棒的女性宗教团体.”

Dr. 默里与2009年发光筹款活动的嘉宾合影留念.

Dr. 约翰·聪聪, 左, 和他的妻子玛丽·玛格丽特, 正确的, 2009年发光主席, 是为了纪念圣山的本笃会修女们. Scholastica. 中间是劳拉·豪格修女, 的OSB和宝拉 Howard修女, 的OSB, 在他任职期间谁担任院长.


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Dr. lpl下注第六任院长肯·吉布森: "Dr. 默里 是我认识的最善良最有爱心的人之一. 他对lpl下注充满了爱. 他带领学院度过了最艰难的时期, 但他从未放弃它生存的重要性. 用温柔的耐心和智慧, 他希望这所学院继续存在,为贫困学生提供资源.  His vision for the future of Donnelly was an inspiration to me in the quest to see Donnelly succeed."

前商业事务总监Stephen Goceljak: 我和博士一起工作. 默里 在他担任lpl下注校长的整个任期内. 那几年对唐纳利来说很有挑战性但也很有收获. Dr. 默里 非常忠诚,值得信赖. 他机智干练. As Donnelly's leader he made sure that everyone in the community knew the story of the College and its mission. 有一次博士. murray 和我当时正在面试一家会计公司,负责我们的年度审计. 其中一家公司的代表先生问. murray, 一个有英语学位的人能做什么?' Dr. 默里 看着他说:“我雇佣会计.我们没有聘请那家公司. 多年来,博士. 默里 成了我的好朋友. 即使在他离开唐纳利之后, we would occasionally meet at (former dean) Francis Sanders' house for coffee to discuss Donnelly of course and current events. 我怀念和他一起工作的时光以及他离开唐纳利后我们共度的时光.”

Grace Malaney修女,的OSB: “Dr. 默里是我见过的最善良、最积极的人之一. I cherish his memory and am grateful for his example of service to Donnelly and the civic community.”

迪莉娅·马林84年: “Dr. 对我来说,默里不仅仅是“唐纳利的总裁”. 他是我的挚友和良师益友,对我的人生产生了深远的影响. 他是指路明灯,总是让我感觉像家人一样.”

小约翰·默里., Dr. 聪聪的儿子我有机会和爸爸一起去看望唐纳利好几次. Dad was very proud of the varied types of educational services Donnelly provided to the community that went beyond normal academic programs. He believed Donnelly’s mission was to improve people’s lives in Wyandotte County through education in many different forms and formats. 有一次我问爸爸,他是否觉得向学院募捐很困难. He answered that it was not at all difficult because he did not ask for money for himself or even the College. 他要求捐助者支持好, 社区里辛勤工作的人们, 谁通常是家里第一个上大学的人. He knew these students needed financial help and that a donor’s investment would make it possible for the student to create opportunities for their own children and grandchildren. He measured his and Donnelly’s by how many lives the college could improve rather than how many of Donnelly’s students went on to attain bachelor's or graFduate degrees.

我喜欢和爸爸一起在唐纳利的大厅里散步. 他会向我们经过的每个人打招呼,通常还会把我介绍给几个学生, 工作人员, 或教师在每次访问期间. 我想他是想让我去见他们而不是他们来见我. The Donnelly community was part of his larger family and he wanted me to appreciate them as much as he did. During these introductions he would usually tell me a story about the person either 正确的 then or as we walked away. 父亲从不满足于只知道一个人的名字.  他想了解他们的生活. Dad was very proud of Donnelly’s employees and students and cared deeply about the well-being of them and their families. I think the term “people person” is mistakenly applied to people who are energized by their interactions with other people. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, Dad was a “people person” because of the care he extended to everybody with whom he interacted. He was energized by the ability of Donnelly to improve lives in the Wyandotte County community. He dedicated a decade of his life to that goal and we are very proud of what he accomplished!"

凯瑟琳·"比恩"·帕克博士. 聪聪的女儿: "If anything was to be written about him he would want it known that he was a man of faith and he adored his family and he cherished his friends. 他所做的一切都是基于他的信仰,以及帮助家庭和社区. 我认为他的一生成就如此之多是因为他对人们的爱. 他总是进入一个房间兴奋 他会看到或遇到谁. 当他遇到一个新朋友时,他的第一个问题是“你的家在哪里??’然后他会继续把它们LPL外围网址起来. 他的一切都是关系. 一个学生可能没有钱交学费,但他知道有一个家庭可以提供奖学金, 本尼迪克特学院(Benedictine College)需要一个宿舍,于是他LPL外围网址了几位捐赠者来建造宿舍, 他需要洗衬衣, 因为妈妈显然不感兴趣, 他找到了薇拉·梅, 一位90岁的唐纳利学生,在她家里工作. From the large to the small he found people’s talents and interests and he made it his mission to match them up with opportunities where they would flourish. 他的友谊是终生的.

I always marveled at how Dad managed his time because he seamlessly might be laying a new patio over the weekend for one of us kids, 一边参加孙子们的球赛,一边为大学募捐, 领导一个主要的社区活动,比如怀恩多特县联合之路运动, tackling illiteracy or building the English as a Second Language Program for the inner city community. Mom always said that if he gets involved in something he was going to end up leading it because he had vision and a strong practical approach to getting the work done. 然而,他从来都不是一个人干的. 爸爸把那些和他有共同愿景的人LPL外围网址起来, 提出了很好的想法,并且有资源来完成它. 而且,无论他做什么,都必须是有意义的. 我想其他人也很重视爸爸的友谊. Sr. 宝拉, 他在唐纳利的同事和好朋友, sent a note to Dad only a couple of years ago where she said that while saying her rosary she 'recalled many memories - the gift of friendship, 你说正确的事情,并回忆起一个故事的能力, 你的写作和与所有人一起工作的天赋,让他们不断受到挑战, 你在 解决不可能的问题时的勇气, 你一贯的乐观, 和更多的……. 你的生活很好,有很多值得骄傲的成就. 玛丽·玛格丽特和你在一起也许是你最大的幸福.“ 我显然为爸爸感到非常骄傲. 他是我的父亲,也是我的导师、榜样、灵感和最好的朋友. 我非常想念他,我想感谢你用一篇文章来纪念他.

玛丽·艾格尼丝·帕特森修女,的OSB: “我曾与奥巴马博士一起工作. 多年来,他一直是公司的员工和董事会成员. He was a delight to work with and so dedicated to the mission and  success of LPL外围网址. 他随和的性格和幽默使人感到轻松. 他当然是一个有团队精神的人,尊重每个人. 他是一个很有信仰的人,对他的家庭很忠诚."

弗朗西斯·桑德斯,前院长兼机构效率副总裁: “约翰 默里 是一个真正的绅士,一个好人. 学院的使命对他来说非常重要, 在他担任校长期间,学院的每个人都深谙这一使命. He would say that colleges like Harvard and Yale rated themselves by the students they admitted, 而我们是通过毕业的学生来评价自己的. He also said that we made a difference in not only our students’ lives but in their families’ lives for generations to come. 他还参与了怀安多特县和KCK.  一位参与社区活动的女性, 他是我们年纪最大的学生(和毕业生)之一。, 提到有一年夏天她家有多热. 约翰带着他亲自购买的窗式空调出现在她家, 他给她装上了. 是她说的,不是约翰. 他在扶轮很活跃, 包括当过他们的总统, 以及商会和联合劝募协会. 他是一位出色的老板、导师和朋友.”